
Cars are not made for cities. Cities are not made for cars.

January 28, 2020

Is a desire to shift away from personal cars in the zeitgeist? Whether or not the 20s come to be defined by a global move towards active travel remains to be seen - perhaps future generations will find it hard to believe that individuals were permitted to drive private cars into towns and cities at will, just as today’s young are horrified...


Cold weather cosy kit up for grabs

January 24, 2020

Stay toasty on your bike this winter with this collection of merino wool clothing that's up for grabs. Merino wool feels soft, insulates well and wicks moisture away from your skin to help you feel comfortable so we've put together a hat, neck warmer and gloves combo. To be in with a chance of winning, leave us a comment below and we'll...


Winter cycling - then and now

January 23, 2020

If you're a hardy soul who cycles all year round, undaunted by cold weather, doff your cap to the pioneer adventure cyclists of the 1890s who took to the snowy wilds of northern Canada without the benefit of modern clothing and 80 years before the advent of mountain bikes. The Last Great Gold Rush in the late 1890s drew 100,000 prospectors...


Streets no longer seen as safe for children to play

January 22, 2020

"We need to look at why we've created a society where it's not seen as safe for children to play in their own streets because of motor vehicles, it's not seen as safe to ride a bike - normal, enjoyable activity - because of the risk of motor vehicles injuring people, so we need to change that lens and look at the source of road danger...


L-Bow light highlights the close pass

January 16, 2020

The L-Bow bicycle rear light sticks out sideways to encourage drivers to overtake safely. Well, that's the theory. Law-abiding drivers are required to leave at least 1.5m when overtaking, but most cyclists will know this is rarely the case. The 'L-bow' rear bike light was born out of witnessing a very dangerous cycling near miss due to a...


Why do drivers close pass cyclists?

January 14, 2020

Nobody knows for certain why some drivers insist on overtaking cyclists too close. However, it's not because they've failed to spot the person on the bicycle. If this sounds counter-intuitive, take note of Dr Ian Walker, Senior Lecturer in Psychology at Bath University - his research focuses particularly on the safety of vulnerable road...


Road death victims are treated as second-class citizens

January 13, 2020

"Not only are they second class because they have fewer rights than offenders, but just compared to other victims of crime, our government doesn't define homicide as including criminal road the driver of a speed boat can be prosecuted for homicide manslaughter, but a drunk speeding driver caught trying to evade police, well...


How does Brexit affect driving to Europe?

January 10, 2020

If you're driving to continental Europe this winter for a ski trip, you're forgiven for being confused about how Brexit affects your plans. There is much confusion surrounding the issue - even the Government's own web page about driving on the continent after Brexit has not been updated for six months and gives no detail on arrangements...


Kevin Watkins speaks on road danger

January 8, 2020

Stop Killing our Children examines how road danger damages us all, whatever our age and however we travel, and questions our collective blindness to both its cause and remedy.The 40-minute, crowdfunded film is narrated by the BBC’s John Simpson and features interviews with Chris Boardman, Dr Rachel Aldred, Dr Ian Walker, George Monbiot and...


The cargo bike is a pedal-powered SUV - only far cooler

January 6, 2020

When it comes to moving people around a city, cars are distinctly sub-optimal. Quite apart from damage to the environment and road danger, it's a matter of physics; most cities simply don't have the space to accommodate a single car per inhabitant - not to mention those used by visitors. By contrast, every city can comfortably store a...
