
Lobby your MP to stop injured cyclists being shortchanged

August 28, 2018

Update 5 September 2018 According to Adam Coffman at the APPCG (All-Party Parliamentary Cycling Group): "Last night during the Second Reading of the Civil Liability Bill in the Commons the government confirmed that it is planning on exempting vulnerable road users (including those who cycle but also pedestrians and horse riders) from the...


Austria tackles air pollution with 90p travel card

August 23, 2018

German cities are seeking to reduce car dependency and deadly air pollution by slashing public transport fares. The cost of an annual travel pass in Vienna has already been reduced to 365 euros – the equivalent of 90 pence per day – and now German cities want to follow suit. The mayors of Bonn, Essen, Herrenberg, Mannheim and Reutlingen...


Roads weren't built for cars

August 23, 2018

In 1887 Karl Kron published Thousand Miles on a Bicycle thanks to book pledges made by fellow cyclists as he pedalled his penny farthing around America. In 2013, Carlton Reid used crowdfunding website Kickstarter to fund the writing of Roads Were Not Built For Cars - a fascinating account of how cyclists were the first to push for good...


Let's make the close pass socially unacceptable (as well as illegal)

August 21, 2018

Of all the challenges that test we cyclists, surely the close pass is the worst. When we asked 800 riders to share their top gripes, being overtaken too close by a motorist was far and away the least popular aspect of life on two wheels. And it's hardly surprising given this dangerous practice by drivers is at best frightening and at worst...


Living in an Airbubbl: Why we refuse to tackle air pollution

August 21, 2018

The air we breathe is literally killing us. It's estimated that 92 per cent of the world's population is exposed to unsafe levels of air pollution. In Britain alone, over 40,000 people die prematurely every year as a result of our poisoned air. Given an adult takes in around 20,000 litres of air every day, it's startling most of us care so...


Best and worst motorway services revealed

August 16, 2018

Motorway services can be miserable and crowded places, with a reputation for over-priced fuel and dull surroundings, serving food that is both expensive and of questionable quality. Whatever you think of them, a new survey of England’s best and worst service stations might fuel your opinions. Transport Focus has asked customers for their...

General News

ETA ranked top of the Ethical Company Index 2018

August 9, 2018

The ETA has been voted to be an ethical company like no other for the eleventh year in a row. The Good Shopping Guide each year reveals the good, the bad, and the ugly of the world’s companies and brands, with a view to supporting the growth of social responsibility and ethical business as well as a more sustainable, just society. Beating...


Pop-up inflatable bicycle caravan

July 19, 2018

Little beats the satisfaction of cycle camping, but after a hard day in the saddle, what better than the promise of a comfortable mattress? Gernot Rammer, Jürgen Haller and Martin Kladensky have spent the last four years refining their idea for an inflatable bicycle caravan – working hard to find the optimum balance between design, weight,...


Build your own caravan

July 19, 2018

If you’re a fan of self-sufficient holidays and DIY, have you ever considered building your own caravan? The Slidavan is a lightweight 2-berth telescopic DIY caravan designed to fit on a small un-braked trailer with a gross capacity of 500 kilos. No special materials or skills are needed to build a Slidavan, but you will need to dedicate...


Reduce, reuse, recycle: Plastic bottle shower

July 19, 2018

If you have to buy a plastic bottle of water, the best thing to do with it is re-use it. It's the reason we love the bottle shower - a rose attachment that simply twists into place on all narrow neck plastic bottles. When the bottle is upturned the device delivers a constant flow without any need for squeezing. A two-litre bottle holds...
