
World-class cycling provision and 3D printed houses

June 13, 2018

Not content with being home to the Hovenring - an elevated cycling roundabout that pushes the boundaries of active travel infrastructure brilliance, the Dutch city of Eindhoven is pioneering 3D printed housing by unveiling the first habitable examples. The Hovenring elevated...

General News

Death by design

June 8, 2018

A 14-year-old boy who was cycling home from school in Weymouth yesterday was killed by the driver of an articulated lorry. It's far too early to establish the precise circumstances of the collision, but of two things we can be certain: Not only will the boy's family and friends be suffering unimaginable grief, but nothing will happen to...


Every diesel car in London costs over £1,000 per year in health costs

June 7, 2018

If people swapped driving for walking or cycling for a quarter of trips, the NHS and wider society would save over £1bn every year in health costs from local air pollution, according to new research by the universities of Oxford and Bath. Air pollution from cars and vans costs Britain almost £6bn every year in health bills with the impact...


Electric car supply may dwindle after Brexit

June 4, 2018

Britain’s supply of electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles could dry up after Brexit as car makers stand to lose a strong incentive to sell low-emission vehicles there. Britain was the third largest market for zero emission vehicles in the EU last year, and the largest for plug-in hybrids. However, given British sales of these cars will no...


How to lock your bicycle

June 1, 2018

Bike thieves are, for the most part, specialists; they target particular cycle racks at particular times and, if stealing from your shed, will overlook other valuable items in favour of a bicycle. From a thief’s perspective, it’s pretty much the perfect crime; most bicycles are easy to steal, difficult to trace and a breeze to sell on....


Driving in France

June 1, 2018

If the roads of continental Europe beckon once again his summer, why not download Driving in France – our free e-book packed with information and advice on what to bring with you, the basic rules of the road, laws on speeding and fines, toll road information, advice for motorcyclists and much more? Don’t forget that for short-term driving...


Transport planners. Don't be like Britain. Be like Denmark.

June 1, 2018

Odense is the third-largest city in Denmark and yet 81% of children ride to school, generally without their parents. Here in Britain, we appear happy with less than 2%. Children should have the right to travel to school on foot or by bike without facing road danger - of every kind. Sixty nine children were killed and over 6,000 were injured...


Pedal-powered HGV tackles road danger

May 25, 2018

Heavy goods vehicles and people do not mix, but this doesn't stop them thundering along the streets where people work, live or play. Though they make up only 3% of all vehicles, lorries account for one quarter of Europe’s road transport emissions - a figure that's expected to grow as traffic increases further. On top of that, heavy goods...


Europe proposes that electric bicycles must have insurance

May 25, 2018

The European Commission yesterday decided that riders of electric bicycles should require third party insurance, reports bike industry website If the proposal becomes law, the legal requirement for third party liability insurance may choke sales of pedelecs just as they are gaining popularity as a environmentally-friendly...


Missing Lynq: Digital breadcrumbs to find your lost friend

May 25, 2018

A clever new locating device bypasses the need for smartphones and an internet connection to find friends and children in crowds, remote areas, at festivals, or anywhere else under an open sky. Lynq uses a combination of GPS and low-power, long-range radio signals to help you find other users up to three miles away. The waterproof device...
