Clima water bottle to beat plastic waste
June 22, 2018
If you include power plant cooling water, it takes seven litres of water simply to manufacture a one-litre bottle. To that environmental cost you can add the 162g of oil required to make the plastic, all the associated CO2 emissions and the millions of tons of land fill or ocean waste to which the bottled water industry contributes. Just as...
Barking that kids have to protest for safe crossings
April 20, 2018
Inflatable zebra crossing for young and old
March 9, 2018
Fewer young than ever learning to drive
February 22, 2018
It's time for us to stop killing our children
January 12, 2018
Free hospital parking: How a good idea can be wrong
January 5, 2018
Driverless car naysayers of the world unite
January 5, 2018
Vulnerable road user now a non-person
December 11, 2017
Why 'Road Safety' misses the point
November 23, 2017
Save your money: Scientists prove cycle commute beats gym
November 2, 2017
"Quicker by bicycle than car" says 94-year-old
October 24, 2017