
The Housetrike: A pedal-powered home
July 28, 2014

The Housetrike is a cargo bike-based dwelling intended for use by the homeless, refugees and urban nomads. Its designer hopes the tricycle will give its users an independent, healthy, safe and above all dignified life by addressing the challenges of shelter, income and mobility. The cargo box transforms quickly and easily into a warm and...

Greening your home: Build yourself an Earthship
September 6, 2018

The concept of 'earthship architecture' took shape in the 1970s soon after the birth of the modern environmental movement. Michael Reynolds pioneered earthship houses by applying first principles to the architecture of domestic dwellings. Homes needed to do three things: first, they needed to use sustainable architecture, and building...

World-class cycling provision and 3D printed houses
June 13, 2018

Not content with being home to the Hovenring - an elevated cycling roundabout that pushes the boundaries of active travel infrastructure brilliance, the Dutch city of Eindhoven is pioneering 3D printed housing by unveiling the first habitable examples. The Hovenring elevated...

No more honorifics
May 4, 2018

The use of titles to distinguish between married/unmarried women, but not men, is not only outmoded, but discriminatory so as a business we’ve now stopped using titles entirely with all our customers in written or emailed correspondence. From the start of this month, none of our written communications have included honorifics of any kind....

Life under canvas
May 4, 2018

Now the sun has finally made an appearance, here's our guide to the weird and wonderful tents pitched for summer 2018. Little beats sleeping under canvas, but conventional tents have a few drawbacks. Once the air temperature drops, tents cool very quickly inside and, conversely, in direct sunlight they can become like saunas. On a crowded...