Big Brother is watching: How staring eyes reduce bike theft

July 25, 2024

poster showing staring eyes to deter bike theft

Bicycle thieves don’t appreciate an audience - even if the eyes are just printed on posters.

Newcastle University research has shown that placing large photos of eyes above bike racks can significantly cut down on cycle theft.

A two-year experiment on the university campus demonstrated a 62 per cent reduction in theft in areas with the eye posters. Meanwhile, in spots without the posters, bike theft surged by 63 per cent, indicating that the crime shifted locations rather than being eradicated.

This isn't the first time the power of watchful eyes has been tested. In 2006, the same researchers investigated the impact of 'eye posters' on contributions to an honesty box in a tea room. The results were striking: people contributed nearly three times more when faced with the eyes compared to a poster of flowers.


As our cities grapple with issues of theft and safety, sometimes the simplest solutions prove the most effective. Whether reducing bike theft or policing parking, a visual nudge might be all it takes to make a difference.

An e-bike that is up for grabs in a prize draw

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