Cycle safety mirrors to be mounted to London’s traffic lights
June 24, 2010

Large mirrors are to be fitted to traffic lights in London in a bid to reduce the number of cyclists killed and seriously injured by left-turning lorries.
The majority of cyclists killed in London are in collision with a heavy goods vehicle and in most cases the lorry was turning left and the driver failed to see the cyclist.
The new mirrors are designed to reduce the chance of this happening by allowing the driver a view of anyone just below the front of the cab or between the lorry and the kerb.
Boris Johnson, the Mayor of London, last year came close to being seriously injured by a lorry in an incident captured on CCTV.
Mirrors to be tested on ‘superhighways’
Subject to approval from the Department for Transport, the mirrors are to be installed on new ‘cycle superhighways’ due to be launched next month.
The improved cycle lanes will link the City and Colliers Wood, and Barking and Tower Gateway with twenty-four miles of 1.5-metre wide strips of blue coloured cycle lane — the first of twelve routes to be built over the next five years.
How can cyclists stay safe?

The best piece of advice for cyclists in towns and cities is to give lorries, coaches and buses a wide berth. At junctions and side turnings be aware of lorries approaching from behind on the road that may be about to turn left and at lights do not position yourself directly in front of large vehicles – the driver may pull away without having seen you. Avoid filtering between a lorry and the pavement – especially if you are boxed in by railings on your left as there would be no escape should you find yourself trapped.
Cycle insurance – how does yours compare?
Cycle insurance from the ETA includes new-for-old, cover for accidental damage, £1m third party insurance, personal accident cover and if you breakdown, we will even come out and recover you and your bike. Get an instant online quote below.

Information correct at time of publication.