The solar-powered electric car that never needs charging

February 2, 2022

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A new design of solar powered electric car claims to have longest range of any production EV; 1,000 miles per charge and the capability of travelling up to 40 miles a day on free power from its integrated solar panels.

If the launch of the radical teardrop Aptera goes ahead as planned , it will mark a reversal of fortunes for the company, which first unveiled its dramatic design in 2005 and took 4,000 advance orders. Reviews of the car’s performance and futuristic styling were overwhelmingly positive; American talk show host, Jay Leno, whose extensive car collection includes a 1909 Baker electric car gave it a glowing review on his website. However, the original company ran out of money and folded in 2011.

Luckily all is not lost for those who'd like to drive a a solar-powered electric car. In 2019, Aptera Motors was re-formed by the original founders, Chris Anthony and Steve Fambro, with an enhanced design boasting world-leading performance. The car’s body is 3D-printed to create a shape so aerodynamic that the designers claim it uses less that a third of the energy of other electric cars on the market today. In fact , depending on where you live, you may never need to charge the car.

The Aptera website allows you to determine the car's solar panel derived performance based on where you live. For example, in Britain you'll be able to drive up to 20 miles a day without ever having to charge the car. Prices range from $25,900 to around $50,000 depending on specification and Aptera is taking reservations now.

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