
Why your next car will need a 48-volt battery

March 15, 2017

Electric car technology is evolving quickly, but don’t expect the internal combustion engine to go down without a fight. By the 1950s most cars had ditched 6-volt batteries in favour of the 12-volt variety. The larger capacity was better suited to cold starts and the increasing number of powered gizmos being used to tempt drivers. Almost 70...


Brooks makeover competition

March 14, 2017

If spring has sprung where you live, why not treat your bike to a makeover? We have a classic Brooks B17 saddle in honey and a roll of Brooks micro-fibre bar tape to give away. Whether you run a classic tourer or a fixie, we are confident the seat and tape will add practicality and flair to your favourite ride. To be in with a chance of...


Back to the future: Retro electric scooters, bicycles and mopeds

March 14, 2017

The original ČZ Čezeta scooter was powered by a 175cc two-stroke single and its distinctive snout-like fairing earned it the nickname ‘pig’. Now, 54 years after production of the pig came to an end, scooter fanatic Neil Eamonn Smith has revived the bike as a battery powered replica. The new Čezeta is powered by an 11 kW electric motor that...


Airlines could reduce climate change impact by 10 per cent

March 10, 2017

Airlines could reduce their impact on climate change by up to 10% by making small changes to some flight routes, according to research by University of Reading. Scientists found airlines could reduce the environmental damage for which they are responsible by avoiding areas where emissions have the largest impact. The changes would increase...

Air Travel

Volta: The world's most discreet electric bicycle

March 10, 2017

The Volta is a bicycle of contradictions. First off, it's an electric bike, but with a battery and motor are so discreet you wouldn’t know they were there. Furthermore, its aspiration to be a light cargo bike is countered by sleek looks and a weight of only 15 kg. On top of these attributes, the Volta packs technological features such as...


Say goodbye to winter with vintage bicycle lights

March 10, 2017

The recent mild weather has made us feel like British Summer Time can’t come soon enough. Of course, it’s not quite time to put away the winter riding gear, but what better way to wave goodbye to wet and cold roads than with a set of classic bicycle lights? LED technology has spawned a bewildering choice of bicycle lights, the brightness...


Urban transport 2030: Electric car vs. electric bicycle

March 10, 2017

Toyota has the answer to urban transport in 2030. Possibly. Forget about 0-60 times and top speed, the latest Toyota concept car is being promoted on the promise of “fun whilst driving even at slow speeds in the urban environment.” In a sign of cars to come, i-TRIL is driven by an electric motor, seats three and weighs in at only 600 kg. By...


Nissan driverless cars, close overtakes and cyclists

March 8, 2017

Driverless cars are at risk from inheriting the bad habits of their human predecessors. Hopes that driverless cars might represent a Holy Grail for vulnerable road users - effectively putting an end to widespread road danger - seemed premature this week after a Nissan equipped with the technology came close to hitting a cyclist. A...


World's brightest bicycle light produces 60,000 lumens

March 6, 2017

We might be tantalisingly close to the start of British Summer Time, but that hasn’t stopped one adventurous cyclist from equipping his MTB with the world’s most powerful bicycle light - a giant panel of LEDs producing 60,000 lumens. See the bicycle light in action Ian Laurie was...


Is the way you travel making you ill?

March 3, 2017

When we have concerns over our weight or general health and well-being, we are likely to reassess our eating habits and perhaps look into a gym membership. We are less likely to look into our transport choices, which are more likely to be made on the basis of cost and convenience. This makes little sense. Transport is a major factor in...

Bus Travel