
Safe drivers rewarded with green lights

May 17, 2023

The benefits of 20mph speed limits are numerous, but how best to enforce them given how few motorists appear to have the driving skill or inclination to keep to them? Traffic engineers in Canada are forgoing the traditional approach of camera enforcement and fines and experimenting with offering a carrot rather than the stick. A new design...

General News

£43 to park for 5 minutes...or 5 hours

May 15, 2023

How do you discourage drivers from using their cars for trips that could easily be done on foot, by bike or on the bus? Especially in a country like ours, where 25 per cent of car trips are under 1 mile, 71 per cent under 5 miles (most with only 1 or 2 people) and 4 million commuters travel less than 3 miles to work by car. The Hague thinks...

Bus Travel

Tesla of e-bikes' one step closer to production

May 12, 2023

Nobody knows for certain why the governing body of sports cycling decided to ban recumbents from races, but in the summer of 1933, an un-faired, fully recumbent broke the 5, 20, 30, 40, and 50-kilometre records as well as the hour and half-hour records. Less than a year later, the Union Cycliste Internationale (UCI) set up a committee to...


The quickest and cheapest way to boost your cycling

May 12, 2023

Cycling is more efficient than any other method of travel - except when your tyres are under inflated. It's the reason visibly soft tyres make us wince. After all, maintaining the correct tyre pressure is cheap, quick and easy task that makes your bike more efficient and improves handling. Whether you're an old hand at checking tyre...


E-bikes, speed restrictors and UK law

May 10, 2023

There are so many different types of e-bike on the market, it can be tricky to know which are road legal - especially with some importers claiming that speed limiters are all you need to conform with British law. E-bike legislation varies by country so buying second-hand, or online from abroad, can lead to confusion. Here in the UK, e-bikes...


Encouraging more women to cycle: "It's the infrastructure, stupid"

May 10, 2023

New research from Australia suggests that barriers to cycling for women are near universal. Dr Lauren Pearson from Monash University’s Sustainable Mobility and Safety Research Group noted that twice as many men cycle as women and the reasons are depressingly familiar. [quote type="cycle_insurance"] Cycling infrastructure suitable for all...


Myth busters: 20mph speed limits

May 5, 2023

Some drivers are very cross about 20mph speed limits. The idea that towns and cities are cleaner, safer for walking and cycling, and generally nicer places to spend time when car speeds are reduced rankles with those who'd prefer to prioritise driving. No surprise then that some resort to flimsy arguments in favour of the status quo. Here...


Cycling sunnies up for grabs

May 5, 2023

The sun's been reclusive so far this year, but brighter times are ahead. To help you look forward to a summer of cycling, we have a pair of dhb sunglasses to give away. Promising 100 per cent protection against UVA and UVB rays, these sunnies boast rubber grippers on rounded arms that guarantee a secure fit whether or not you're wearing a...


Driverless cars to message cyclists? How about, no?

May 4, 2023

Nobody knows for certain how cyclists will avoid the dangers posed by driverless cars of the near future. Although research has been done into how automated vehicles (AVs) will detect and avoid pedestrians, the interactions between drivers and cyclists are more complex. Researchers from the University of Glasgow have written a paper titled...


Insurance for Cycle to Work bikes

May 4, 2023

The Cycle to Work scheme will be 25 next year, so if you've yet to take advantage of this popular tax-free initiative that allows cyclists to make significant savings on the cost of a bike, and spread payments over time, what better time than now? How much will Cycle to Work save me? You pay for the bike with a monthly fee directly from...
