
Gilding the lily: The bicycle fitted with a sail

May 5, 2022

The bicycle is an object of such perfection, it has barely evolved over the last century. A bicycle is extraordinarily efficient. In fact, it's the most efficient means of self-powered transportation in existence - considerably more so than walking. However, that doesn't stop folk trying to improve its performance. And while the results are...


Do you need planning permission for a bike shed?

May 5, 2022

Urban living can present a problem where cycle storage is concerned. If you're lucky enough to have a front garden, surely it's safe to assume you can put up a small shed to store your bicycle? Not necessarily. In theory, any structure erected in a front garden requires planning consent. However, in practice you're probably OK unless you...


Just a minute' protest targets drivers blocking cycle lanes

May 4, 2022

When drivers park illegally - even for just a minute - it has a knock-on effect on other road users. Pavements may become impassable for wheelchair users, pedestrians may find it difficult or dangerous to cross and, in the case of cycle lanes, cyclists may be forced into traffic. Inspired by the excuse 'I'll just be a minute' that's often...


Side road zebra crossings long overdue on UK roads

May 3, 2022

In France, at almost every minor side road, there's a simple painted zebra crossing. Now that the updated Highway Code gives those on foot this same priority, it’s time for a similar approach here. Recent research by YouGov revealed that 29 per cent of pedestrians have been hit by a car or suffered a near miss at a side road. The research...


ETA claims team recognised for excellence

April 27, 2022

We're delighted to announce that we're through to the finals in the Claims Team of the Year category of the Insurance Times Awards. It's been a busy time for us over the last two years. As lockdown changed the market, our focus shifted to account for closed cycle shops, delays in the delivery of parts and an...


Protect your bike from April showers

April 27, 2022

In theory, spring is when cyclists put away base layers, hats, gloves and extra lights. In practice, it's best to keep winter gear closer at hand. And that goes for protecting your bicycle too. Keeping a bicycle under cover protects it from wet weather and prying eyes, but with urban areas short on garages and sheds, for many it's easier...


Techalogic DC-1 front and rear facing cycle cam

April 26, 2022

Running a cycle cam on your handlebars or helmet doesn't make the roads feel any safer, but you do feel less helpless. In the event of a road traffic incident, video footage goes a long way towards guaranteeing legal redress - it's a cycle insurance of sorts. One of the great frustrations about cycling on British roads is the lack of...


Cycle touring reinvented: Electric cargo bike camping

April 25, 2022

When electric cargo bikes aren't making short work of the school run or tackling the weekly shop they're useful for lugging heavy gear on camping trips. Being able to haul up to 250kg means you can take solar panels, large tents, wood-burning stoves. Even a (small) kitchen sink isn't out of the question. Cycle touring is a pursuit as old as...


EV charging demands vs climate targets

April 21, 2022

Charging infrastructure will keep pace with the growth in the number of electric vehicles resulting from the EU tightening its clean car rules, new analysis shows. Up to 10.4 million public charging points could be installed across Europe by 2035 if car CO2 targets are strengthened in line with the EU’s Green Deal commitments, according to...


Gold standard lock aimed at cargo bikes and electric bicycles

April 20, 2022

E-Bikes and cargo bikes tend to be more expensive to buy but their size means they can be tricky to lock. The Hiplok E-DX is a chain and D-Lock combination designed to protect over-sized frames and larger bicycles. The E-DX isn't to be confused with the D-lock and flimsy cable combinations sold by many lock companies as 10 mm hardened steel...
