
Two thirds would take up electric bicycle grant

August 24, 2021

Two-thirds of us would consider buying e-bikes if helped by a subsidy scheme, according to a recent study. The research by Bosch comes ahead of a proposed subsidy for electric bicycles, or pedelecs as they are sometimes called, of as much a third. France is planning a similar scheme to boost sales of electric bikes. The study polled over...


A merino wool jersey for every season of cycling

August 24, 2021

dhb have designed this merino jersey with autumn, spring and winter riding in mind....making it perfect for the quintessential British summer. Merino wool is breathable, naturally anti-bacterial, lightweight and soft - qualities that make it ideally suited to cycling wear. This particular example uses a blended polyamide to allow for a snug...


An everyday tale of life and death on Britain's roads

August 19, 2021

A driver doing 60 in a 30 zone who smashed into 6-yr-old boy has been filmed telling the arresting officer: "That's a bit harsh. It's a simple accident". The family of Noah Herring boy who suffered serious injuries in the collision has joined Cleveland Police to support a national awareness-raising campaign. Noah and his father were cycling...


What will happen to today's cars once they're obsolete?

August 17, 2021

By the time the entire car fleet has gone electric most of today's vehicles will have been crushed and reincarnated as toasters, but a few it seems will be live barbecues. or to be entirely accurate 'carbecues'. Under the bonnet, the Carbecue features internal combustion in the form of a gas grill. A remote control can be used to...


Peddling picnic panniers for retro al fresco dining

August 17, 2021

British summer weather is so capricious, it pays to be ready to picnic at a moment's notice. And what better way to enjoy impromptu al fresco dining than by bicycle? This retro style bicycle pannier from Goodordering boasts 18.5 litres of insulated picnic storage, a padded internal laptop compartment and a sling to carry it on your...


UK government must spend 100 times more to tackle climate emergency

August 12, 2021

A new analysis by WWF suggests the current level of UK spending to combat the climate emergency is one hundredth of what the government's own advisers say is needed. Spending on green policies in the March 2021 Budget add up to just 0.01% of GDP. However, the government's own advisory Climate Change Committee has said 1% of GDP - must be...

General News

Let's hasten the extinction of the disposable plastic carrier bag

August 9, 2021

Plastic carrier bag sales fell by more than 90% following the introduction of charges in 2015. However, recycling rates have fallen during lockdown and sales of 'bags for life', which use more plastic than the throwaway variety, continue to increase. The UK government has decided against robust action on disposable plastic. By contrast,...


Road traffic law sentencing not fit for purpose

August 9, 2021

A driver has escaped losing his licence by claiming that without his car he would be unable to walk his dogs because the nearest park was one mile from his home. Howard David McGill, aged 50, was clocked speeding in his Bentley. Points from the conviction would have resulted in disqualification under the totting up procedure reports the...


Highway Code revisions 2021 - Good, but no cigar

August 5, 2021

Revisions to the Highway Code revealed this week introduced the concept of a hierarchy of road users, which ensures that road users who can do the greatest harm have the greatest responsibility to reduce the danger or threat they may pose to others. Responsibility of road users based on a hierarchy of risk is little more than common sense....


Sun's out - Quick, sling up a hammock

August 5, 2021

If you have a few metres of space and two minutes of sun this summer, you can sling a hammock. And in these days of social distancing and self isolation, what better way of whiling away your leisure time? Snooze, read a book or daydream about better days to come. The word hammock originates from the Taino people of Central America who used...

General News