
Year-round cycling; Give your bike a mudguard makeover

November 29, 2023

With less than a month to go before Christmas, if you're still riding come rain or shine, good for you. The numerous benefits of cycling continue whatever the weather, but, as you'll know, winter cycling brings its own challenges. For us, year-round riding's easier once you tackle the most common excuses to not cycle. Given the damp British...


Bag yourself a Boxing Day bicycle build

November 28, 2023

Let's hear it for old-school Xmas day presents. If you remember a world before smartphones and consoles, you may have fond memories of analog gifts you had to put together yourself. Like the classic 1/8 scale model bicycle kit we're giving away. If you spent your childhood dreaming of finding a 10-speed racer under the tree, leave us a...


Mobility scooters and the Highway Code

November 28, 2023

If you use a powered wheelchair or mobility scooter, are you up to speed on the rules in the Highway Code? When you are on the road you should obey the guidance and rules for other vehicles; when on the pavement you should follow the guidance and rules for pedestrians. Pavements are safer than roads and should be used when...

General News

My mobility scooter has been damaged

November 22, 2023

With over 350,000 mobility scooters on UK streets, there's bound to be the odd bump and scrape. However, according to government research, over 20 per cent of mobility scooter users have experienced an accident or incident that made them feel unsafe. What should I do if I'm involved in an accident on my mobility scooter? 1. Be safe Get...

General News

There's a blind spot where road danger is concerned

November 21, 2023

Car makers may have got better over the last 50 years at protecting drivers in a crash, but much of the progress has been at the expense of those outside the vehicle. There's a blind spot where road danger's concerned. And we're not talking about societal apathy - we mean an actual, real-life blind spot. Alongside a fashion for high...


Raynauds Syndrome and winter cycling

November 20, 2023

If you're one of the 10 million people in the UK suffering from Raynaud's, you may be dreading the onset of colder weather. The phenomenon occurs when blood stops flowing properly to fingers and toes. Although it doesn't usually cause severe problems, once you feel the numbness and notice the distinctive change in colour on your fingers, it...


First ULEZ vandals prosecuted

November 20, 2023

In 1935, a young boy fishing in a pond at Swanwick, Hampshire landed eight 30mph road signs - roundels that had recently been installed across the country to enforce the new national speed limit. It's not clear whether the vandal was caught, but nearly 90 years later a small group of motoring miscreants is back at it - this time targetting...

General News

Health benefits of cycle commuting - come rain or shine

November 17, 2023

Can you believe that some people put their bikes away for winter? It's a form of hibernation all the more surprising because cycling has year-round health benefits - even on days when poor weather temnpts you to take the car or bus to work. A 5-year study of over 250,000 British commuters found people who cycled to work were healthier and...


Transport poverty: Cars are making us poor

November 15, 2023

Running a car is the single largest household expense (excluding mortgage repayments) for rural families, and the second largest for urban ones. As a result, transport costs have pushed over 5 million people into poverty according to research by the Social Market Foundation. The average British household spends £5,740 on driving, but only...


Android-compatible tracker and bicycle frame mount up for grabs

November 14, 2023

When we gave away an Airtag tracker last week, someone on Twitter spoke up on behalf of android users. We promised to redress the imbalance and, true to our word, here we are with a Tile Pro and bicycle mount. Without GPS trackers it's almost impossible to recover stolen bicycles; it's why the police give so little priority to the crime. An...
