Air Travel

A flying car for £2,750
February 18, 2015

While It’s not what futurists of the 1950s had in mind when they imagined flying cars we would all be driving by now, the four-seater aero car special that sold on eBay last week for £2,750 certainly looks like it could take to the skies. The aero car special is based on a decommissioned Beechcraft B55 light aircraft and Daihatsu Hijet...

The Kisha umbrella predicts rain
February 12, 2015

The Kisha umbrella is a high-tech take on the traditional brolly that predicts rain and let's you know if you are about to leave it on the bus. The umbrella is standard issue for any trip – a design so beautiful in its simplicity that has remained largely unchanged for thousands of years. But with over 30m umbrellas sold each year in...

Flying with your bicycle
February 5, 2015

There’s always a sense of trepidation when you check a bicycle in as luggage with an airline, but there are steps you can take to minimize the chance of it being damaged in the hold. Flying with your bicycle First things...

Travel green in 2015
December 12, 2014

The average person in Britain already travels 10,400 km each year, a figure that does not include flights abroad, so how can you get away on a break while remaining environmentally conscious? Where the journey is an adventure Mile-for-mile, air travel is the most environmentally damaging form of transport there is - so the simplest way to...

Smell-o-vision, oxygen and airbags for airline passengers
September 25, 2014

Airline passengers of the future will be distracted from turbulence, screaming kids and the seat table in front by high-tech inflight entertainment including 3D screens and smell-o-vision, according to plane makers Airbus. Following news that Airbus has plans to remove windows from its aircraft, comes another glimpse of future air travel...