
A bicycle is for life, not just for Christmas
December 18, 2014

Tens of thousands of bicycles around the country currently lie hidden - wrapped and ready to take a star turn on Christmas morning, but after the initial squeals of delight, how many are destined to languish unused in garden sheds or end their days cast aside in roadside verges? It is estimated that up to 100,000 bicycles in Britain each...

Watch your back: A bicycle mirror for your wrist
August 8, 2013

The traditional handlebar-mounted mirror has gone the way the way of the mudguard and is no longer regarded as a desirable accessory by most cyclists. The handlebar-mounted configuration has evolved into a sleek, bar-end arrangement but the thriving market for bicycle accessories has spawned all manner of alternatives, including spectacle...

Bio sensor warns cyclists about hitting the wall
August 1, 2013

If you have ever ‘hit the wall’ while cycling, you will know how long it can take to recover, but a study in the journal Analytical Chemistry this week describes the first human tests of a new bio sensor that predicts an impending ‘bonk’. Hitting the 'wall' When our muscles demand more energy than the body can supply from aerobic...

Bicycles and Boris: Johnson’s war on Lycra
August 8, 2013

It was a daft exchange of words between cyclists that would have passed without further comment had one of those involved not been Boris Johnson. As it was, the teasing by club cyclist Bob Carter provoked the London Mayor’s acerbic wit...

Bubble wrap bicycle
July 31, 2013

Riding a bicycle and popping bubble wrap rank as two of the best stress busters, and now Eric Buss, a man who describes himself as ‘some dude who lives in Los Angeles and travels the world doing funny stuff while people watch’ has combined the two. However, while bursting the pockets of air by hand evokes the relaxing crackle of an open...